Friday 4 June 2010


Once again Israel makes us have to say terrible thing about that country. I am so wretched to hear and watched the news. I do not want to have a discussion about religion but I just want to ask, do you believe in God? Alternatively, do you have a God? Nevertheless, I think you do not believe in God or even you have never ever had God in your life. Even the atheists, I think they will not do like you have done it.

Before this tragedy happened, I have my own opinion about the country I mean because I like to learn new thing (I love to learn about Jewish, I want to know what does make the Jewish people are intelligent? In addition, about the culture). However, after this catastrophe I think I will stop to have my opinion about the country. I only have one opinion regarding to this country; The Israel President is not more than a Dajjal (The King of the evil) as you said that what your army did was a correct thing.

There is one thing to made me feel disappoint with the Israel’s Army; Why there is still a racialism? What is incorrect of being Indonesian people? Do you think you are God? You cannot judge people by the race! Every human is similar in front of the God.

Wish Allah SWT give strength for all of people in GAZA; keep fight for something better for your country. May ALLAH SWT bless you all.

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