Friday 4 June 2010


I have never conscious of this feeling. I decided to shun from him but I do not why I am still thinking about him. I am sure this is not good feeling, it is only bad feeling akin to fury or animosity. I always said, “That woman is not in my point, so there is no reason to vie and gain the brainless man’s love”. Sounds really conceited... :)

FYI, the man that I intention is my EX (the stupid guy who swindled with other girl, I mean his friend at his office). Afterward, I decided not to remember him because I know and I consider that he is not just into me. Both of them are not in my level.

The recent past, I heard a song (Mikha Tambayong’s Song) the title is “Bekas Pacar” and Britney Spears (She will Never Be Me). Yeah, that song I dedicated for her and the Krisdayanti’s Song (I am Sorry Goodbye) I dedicated for him. Enjoy the songs please….

At this moment, I already have someone new. New episode in my life with new person and with new experience.

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